Conference Organisation and Journal Editorial Boards (selection)
International, National and Regional Projects
- APIC (Ambienti di Personalizzazione per applicazioni di Internet delle cose nel settore Cartario) Programma POR-CREO Regione Toscana
- PETAL (PErsonalizable assisTive Ambient monitoring and Lighting) AAL Joint Programme (AAL-2016)
- FITS.ME (Flexible Indoor Tracking System for Medical Environments) Programma POR-CREO Regione Toscana
- PersonAAL (Personalized web applications to improve quality of life and remote care for older adults) AAL Joint Programme (AAL-2014)
- SMARCOS (SMART Composite Human-Computer Interfaces) ARTEMIS N.100249
- SERENOA (Multidimensional context-aware adaptation of Service Front-ends) EU ICT FP7-ICT N.258030
- TwinTide (Towards the Integration of Transectorial IT Design and Evaluation) Cost Action IC0904
- OPEN (Open Pervasive Environments for migratory iNteractive Services) EU ICT STREP FP7-ICT-2007-1 N.216552
- ServFace (Service Annotations for Users Interface Composition) EU ICT STREP FP7-ICT-2007-1 N.216699
- MAUSE (Towards the MAturation of Information Technology USability Evaluation) COST Action 294
- SIMILAR (The European research taskforce creating human-machine interfaces SIMILAR to human-human communication) FP6 Network of excellence
- Cameleon (Context Aware Modelling for Enabling and Leveraging Effective interactiON) Shared-Costs RTD IST Project
- Advises (Analysis Design and Validation of Interactive Safety-critical and Error-tolerant Systems) EC Research Training Network RTN
- MEFISTO (Modelling, Evaluating and Formalising Interactive Systems using Tasks and interaction Objects) ESPRIT Reactive LTR N°24963