
The MEFISTO Shared Workspace has been activated! At present, the BSCW (Basic Support for Cooperative Work) system supports document upload, event notification, group management. To access a workspace you only need a standard Web browser. Security and privacy concerns will be addressed.

New user

To use the MEFISTO Shared Workspace server as a new user you need to send an e-mail to the MEFISTO workspace administrator to register you as a MEFISTO BSCW Workspace member (only MEFISTO members).


When you have finished your registration setup you can directly enter the MEFISTO Shared Workspace server and upload or download the documents about the MEFISTO project.

BSCW Infos

Read something about the GMD staff working on the BSCW project. Get more information about ongoing activities and development around the project. See also what's new in BSCW.

BSCW Goodies

Uploaders for the PC, Unix and Macintosh platforms are available, with many other applications that provide better interaction then a standard Web browser.


For a short introduction to use the workspace you should read BSCW for the Impatient.The help manual is available as online-version and as downloadable file in Postscript, HTML and PDF format.

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