Gammaitoni, L., Goillau, P.
The Approach Case-Study: Description and Requirements

The purpose of this document is to present the Alenia and DERA case-studies for MEFISTO: approach management and, in particular, sequencing and metering tools human-machine interface (ADASTI). First it presents the current operational organisation of the ATM system, with special focus on approach management issues, and ATM Advanced Functionalities (AAF) to be developed (the main actors, their hierarchical and functional relationships, their main tasks and responsibilities, and, in particular, the arrival and departures management organisation and procedures). Then it describes the future ATM system, and its objectives and scope, giving an overview of ATM primary functional areas, and outlining functional and supplementary requirements which must be met by the future ATM system to provide the needed safety and efficiency level. These requirements, due to their general applicability, could be taken into consideration in the MEFISTO context. Detailed requirements to obtain a system aided sequencing and metering of approach traffic are also discussed: functional requirements, performance requirements, and other requirements concerning system accuracy, update rate, integrity, availability, continuity, reliability are presented.

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