Fields, B.,
Scenario-Based Requirements Engineering - A Review of the CREWS Project
This note is a review of the ESPRIT-funded CREWS (Cooperative Requirements Engineering With Scenarios) project. Like Mefisto, CREWS is a 3-year long-term reactive research project. The concept of "scenarios" -concrete instances of the usage of a proposed system are central to the approach to requirements elicitation and validation developed on the CREWS Project. Although the focus is not specifically on human-machine interaction, but on requirments engineering in general, and the domain of application is not air traffic control, the centrality of scenarios suggests that the work is likely to be highly relevant to Mefisto.
The report describes the main activities and products of CREWS and begins a discussion about how the concepts, tools, and orientations of that project might be useful to the future work -particularly in the area of evaluation -of Mefisto
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