Gammaitoni, L.
The Aerodrome Case Study: Description and Requirements
The purpose of this document is to present one of the Alenia case-studies for MEFISTO: aerodrome surface movements and, in particular, conflict detection, alert and resolution in the A-SMGCS context.
First it presents the current operational organisation of the aerodrome control from which an A-SMGCS should be developed (the main actors, their hierarchical and functional relationships, their main tasks and responsibilities, the airport management organisation and procedures). Then it describes an A-SMGCS, and its objectives and scope, giving an overview of A-SMGCS basic functions, and outlining functional and supplementary requirements which must be met by an A-SMGCS to provide the needed safety and efficiency level. These requirements, due to their general applicability, could be taken into consideration in the MEFISTO context. Detailed requirements to obtain a system aided conflict detection and resolution are also discussed: functional requirements, performance requirements, and other requirements concerning system accuracy, update rate, integrity, availability, continuity, reliability.
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