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Summary of deadlines 
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Accommodation form 

- DEMOS Submission (Deadline EXPIRED)
Submit a description of the demonstration of at least 1 page in PDF format (please use 12-point type size) and send it to Carmen Santoro by 10th July, 2002. The description should summarise the work to be presented and clearly describe the benefits of the demonstration to Mobile HCI 2002 attendees. Furthermore, the proposal should identify the hardware/software platform required for the demonstration. Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by 12th July, 2002. The accepted demos will not appear in the Conference Proceedings.

- SHORT PAPERS Submission (Deadline EXPIRED)
Submit short papers of a maximum of 5 pages in PDF format, using the conference tool. Papers should be formatted according to LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format (templates can be found at Springer-Verlag LNCS Authors’ Instructions page). In an additional page the author(s) should specify if the short paper is also suitable for a demo.  Short papers will be reviewed and selected by the international Program Committee. The accepted short papers will be included in the conference proceedings. 

- TUTORIAL Submission (Deadline EXPIRED)
The tutorial proposal should specify the background knowledge and skills required of participants. It should also specify the level of the tutorial as introductory, intermediate or advanced. A tutorial may take either half a day or a full day. Tutorial proposals will be evaluated on the quality of the proposal, basis of their benefits to participants and their fit within the overall tutorials programme. Factors to be considered include relevance, timeliness and audience appeal; suitability for presentation in a half-day or full-day tutorial; use of appropriate presentation methods and exercises; and past experience and qualifications of the instructors. If the tutorial has been given previously, the proposal should indicate where the tutorial has been given and how it will be modified for Mobile HCI 2002. 

Tutorial submissions must be in pdf format and presented as follows: 

  • A header page including the title of the tutorial, the names and affiliations of all presenters, (tutorials will not be reviewed anonymously), if it is a half or a one day proposal. The header page should also give an indication if this tutorial has been presented before, if it is derived from a tutorial that has been presented before or if it is a new tutorial. Brief details of any other conference tutorials that have been given by the presenters should also be included. 
  • A description of the tutorial content including arguments as to why it would be suitable for presentation at this conference. This should not exceed 1 A4 pages. 
  • A timeline indicating how the time will be used (assume either 2 or 4 one and a half hour sessions) including details of how the attendees will be involved in the activities. 
  • A 125 word description of the tutorial, including a brief biography of the presenter(s) suitable for inclusion in the advance programme. 
  • A 800 word synopsis of the tutorial, including a brief biography of the presenter(s) suitable for publication on the conference Web site as additional advance information for attendees.

Tutorial submissions must be sent to Carmen Santoro, the workshop and tutorial Chair of the Symposium.

- Workshop Submission  (Deadline EXPIRED)
The days before the symposium will be dedicated to tutorials and workshops. The workshop proposal should specify the background knowledge required of participants; it should in PDF format,  two page long and should specify the topics of interest. Factors to be considered include relevance, timeliness and audience appeal. 

Workshop submissions must be sent to Carmen Santoro, the workshop and tutorial Chair of the Symposium.


- FULL PAPER Submission (Deadline EXPIRED)
Submit full papers as portable document format (pdf). Papers must clearly show the name, postal address, email address, and fax number of the contact author. 15 pages is the maximum length for submitted papers in the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format; templates can be found at Springer-Verlag LNCS Authors’ Instructions pageThe language for all paper submissions and presentations at the conference is English, and no simultaneous translation will be provided.

After acceptance  the final paper is required in electronic version according to the file templates provided by the publisher.  Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings that will be published in LNCS series and distributed at the conference.  Extended and revised versions of the best papers accepted for the Conference will be peer-reviewed and published in a special issue of Interacting with Computers.  

Last updated: June 28th, 2002