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Conference Paper 1 (CP1)

Authors: Beirekdar, A., Vanderdonckt, J., and Noirhomme-Fraiture, M.
Title: A Framework and a Language for Usability Automatic Evaluation of Web Sites by Static Analysis of HTML Source Code.
Conference: CADUI'02,  May 15-17, 2002 Valenciennes (F)

Usability guidelines are supposed to help web designers to design usable sites. Unfortunately, studies carried out that applying these guidelines by designers is difficult, essentially because of the way of structuring or formulating them. One possible way to help designers in their task is to provide them with tools that evaluate the designed site (during or after design) and alerts them about usability errors. Ideally, these tools would support an appropriate guidelines definition language that enables structuring any guideline in an evaluation-oriented form. In this paper we propose a framework and guideline definition language for usability (automatic) evaluation.

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Last updated: January 23d, 2003