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Conference Paper 14 (CP14)

Authors: Paterṇ, F. 
Title: Tools for Task Modelling: Where we are, Where we are headed.
Conference: TAMODIA 2002,  Bucharest, Romania, July 18-19 2002.  
Reference: Proc. of TAMODIA 2002, pp.10-17, INFOREC, ISBN 973-8360-01-3

Invited Presentation at TAMODIA 2002

Task models represent the intersection between user interface design and more systematic approaches by providing designers with the means to represent and manipulate abstractions of goal-oriented activities. While task modelling and task-based design have long been considered, their adoption has been limited by the lack of tools supporting the development, interactive analysis and use of task models. This paper discusses what support can be actually useful for designers and provides a taxonomy useful to compare tools for task modelling based on the experience accumulated with the CTTE tool. Some promising future developments will also be considered.

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Last updated: January 23rd, 2003