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Conference Paper 24 (CP24)

Authors: F.Correani, G.Mori, F.Paternò
Title: Supporting Flexible Development of Multi-Device Interfaces
Conference: EHCI-DSVIS'04

Tools based on the use of multiple abstraction levels have shown to
be a useful solution for developing multi-device interfaces. To obtain general
solutions in this area it is important to provide flexible environments with
multiple entry points and support for redesigning existing interfaces for
different platforms. In general, a one-shot approach can be too limiting. This
paper shows how it is possible to support a flexible development cycle with
entry points at various abstraction levels and the ability to change the
underlying design at intermediate stages. It also shows how redesign from
desktop to mobile platforms can be obtained. Such features have recently been
implemented in a new version of the TERESA tool.

Download the pdf file (885 KB)


Last updated: September 9, 2004