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Conference Paper 6 (CP6)

Authors: Paterṇ, F., Paganelli, L., and Santoro C. 
Title: Models, Tools and Transformations for Design and Evaluation of Interactive Applications 
Conference: PC-HCI 2001, Patras (Greece), December 7-9, 2001

Invited Presentation at PC-HCI 2001

This paper discusses a framework to address issues related to the design and evaluation of interactive systems in current technological settings characterised by wide variability of context of use. The basic idea is that effective solutions can be provided only if a meaningful set of models are identified along with transformations that allow moving from one model either to another model or to an implementation system and vice versa. In such a framework, the environment calls for the support of a set of tools able to ease model development and analysis and possible transformations.  

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Last updated: January 23rd, 2003