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Deliverable 2.1

Authors: S.Berti, G.Mori, L.Paganelli, F.Paternò, C.Santoro, G.Calvary, J.Coutaz, D.Thevenin, J.Vanderdonckt, L.Bouillon.   
Title:  Tools for Model-Based Design of Multi-Context Applications. 

This document provides a description of the tools prototypes, developed by the partners in the project, supporting model-based design of multi-platform applications. A demo of the tools will be given at the review meeting. Thus, the purpose of this deliverable is to introduce the underlying methods.
It is an update of the deliverable distributed at the end of the first year. In particular, during the second year new versions with improved functionalities of the TERESA and VAQUITA tools have been designed and developed and their integration has been achieved through the introduction of Cameleon XML language for describing abstract user interfaces.


 Last updated: December 16, 2003