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Deliverable 2.2
  Authors: Coutaz, J., Balme, L., Barralon, N., Calvary, G., Demeure, A., Lachenal, C., Rey, G., Bandelloni, R., Paternò, F.  
Title:  Initial Version of the CAMELEON Run Time Infrastructure for User Interface Adaptation. 

This document describes the CAMELEON run-time software infrastructure for accommodating the dynamic adaptation of user interfaces to changes in the context of use (i.e., to users who effectively use the system, to the hardware and software platform used for interacting with the system, to the environment where the interaction takes place). It draws upon the CAMELEON Reference Framework (Deliverable D1.1) and constitutes a refinement of the run-time component of this framework.


 Last updated: December 16, 2003