Special Interest Groups (SIGs) allow conference attendees
who share similar interests to meet informally for 90 minutes of facilitated interactive
discussion. INTERACT 2005 provides meeting space and advertises SIG meetings to the rest
of the conference in the Conference Program and Website.
Proposals must be authored by a minimum of two individuals representing at least two
different organizations. SIG proposals will be peer reviewed, and acceptance will be
based on the relevance of the topic to the INTERACT 2005 program, its relevance and
importance for the INTERACT community, and the plan for stimulating attendee interest and
Submit, using the conference tool, an extended abstract of a maximum of 2 pages in PDF format PLUS 1 page description with the following information:
- Interest and relevance of the SIG to INTERACT 2005
- Assumed attendee background
- Format of discussion including, informal list of topics and time allocated to each (roughly)
- Name of primary contact person
The extended abstract will be required to conform to the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format (templates can be found at Springer-Verlag LNCS Authors’ Instructions page) and should not be anonymous. The description of accepted SIGs will be published in the conference adjunct proceeding.
The volume editors are Paolo Buono, MariaFrancesca Costabile, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro.
Remember to send the signed copyright form of adjunct proceeding by fax (+39 050 3138091) for the attention of Silvia Berti.