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History of the Museum
The act of birth of the Museum of Marble is the deliberation of the Executive municipal Carrara n.582 of 08/04/1982 with which you established
Officially the first public museum in the city .
The important initiative taken by the mayor Alessandro Costa and culture by Italo
Vatteroni, give finally to the city a physical place of historical memory of its most important economic activity, marble ,
As well as can be seen from the objects and testimonies of various kinds attached.
The establishment of the museum had been preceded by five years of research and study, to recovery cultural object and the "culture of marble". Carrara has a distinguished history on the loss of their historical memory, as regards the preservation of evidence object, the tendency both public and private, has always been that of the fragmentation and lack of continuity. Case study are the "disappearance" of 'museum of nineteenth' Academy of Fine Arts and one of the great museum lunense private family Fabbricotti, assigned in 1938 to the town of La Spezia. Therefore, the establishment of a museum dedicated to the culture of marble must be seen as an absolutely exceptional event for Carrara, even late.

Halls of Viale September XX had the requirements for hosting a modern museum understood: Interconnecting with spacious interior spaces open mixed lighting, extensive open space, the possibility of equipping offices and warehouses, large and functional conference room. P>
So, with six months of work, we proceeded to create the first museum with a large exhibition significant Title "Marble Lunense" , inaugurated in June 1982, which spent his attention to the great archaeological heritage carrarese, consisting by excavating ancient sites found and documented with reliefs, photographs, samples of marble extracted therein, finds therein Found and returned to Carrara from archaeological museum in Florence after more than forty years. It was also included in the itinerary ' important marmoteca , formed earlier with intent technical trade And today witness rich "even" historic values of
In subsequent years the museum allocations were progressively increased through acquisitions of several materials All ' Industrial Archaeology (1984), contemporary sculpture (1987, with the collection of premiums-purchase biennale sculpture), Marmologia archaeological and artistic.

Subsequently began recovery and the filing of numerous finds marble found in cave That still continue to flow to the museum ritrovamentio thanks to the continued active involvement in the sector of the City of Marble Carrara, Estrattive Activities Office.
In more recent years (1994-95) was created a section dedicated to medieval sculpture , with the series of portraits And the appearance of the Cathedral of Carrara, and all crafts , with the series of marble icons.
Now, nearly 24 years after its foundation , the Museum of Marble is, of its kind, one of the most museums Significantly, the Tuscany, and, for some aspects marmologia archaeological and artistic point Reference absolute value nationally and internationally.