MobileHCI 2016

18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services

September 6th - 9th, 2016 - Congress Palace, Florence (Tuscany), Italy

MobileHCI 2016 is the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, which is the premier forum for innovations in mobile, portable and personal devices and with the services to which they enable access.

MobileHCI brings together people from diverse areas which provides a multidisciplinary forum for academics, hardware and software developers, designers and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction with and through mobile devices, applications, and services. MobileHCI maintains a small number of tracks along with a wide range of other program aspects to encourage the exchange of research results, ideas and future research endeavours.

MobileHCI seeks contributions in the form of innovations, insights, or analyses related to human interaction and experiences with mobility.

Our interpretation of mobility is inclusive and broadly construed. Likewise, our view of contribution encompasses technology, experience, methodology, and theory—or any mix thereof, and beyond. We seek richness and diversity in topic as well as approach, method, and viewpoint.

The conference proceedings are published by the ACM and appear in the ACM Digital Library.

Download the Call for Papers

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