Industrial Case Studies

Important Dates:

Tell us about your exciting real-world experiences.

The Industrial Case Studies track is targeted towards practitioners and professionals working in the field of mobile HCI. We seek submissions that show the application, commercial aspects or practical challenges in any of the areas listed in the call for papers. Of special interest are, e.g., real-world examples that illustrate experiences in deploying and running such systems, lessons learnt in developing such systems, or differences between research and practice.

Preparing the Submission

Industrial Case Studies Papers are of variable length. Papers can be up to a length of 10 pages in the SIGCHI extended abstract format. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution. Presentation time during the conference will be allocated according to the weight of contribution. Papers that are 6 or fewer pages will have shorter presentation times than longer papers at the conference. However, there will be no distinction made between shorter and longer industrial case studies papers in the ACM digital library. Exact talk duration will be determined when the program is finalized. The difference to the regular papers is in the practical, rather than strictly scientific, nature of the submissions and there should be a strong industry background shown.

We welcome submission about highly interesting topics and systems that are well written and presented for an interdisciplinary mobile HCI audience. Papers should NOT be anonymized and must contain an abstract with less than 150 words that clearly states the paper's contribution. Authors are encouraged to submit or reference an illustrative video to accompany their paper and to demonstrate their system at the conference.

More Information

All submissions will be reviewed by peers from industry and academia. The focus in review will be on general interest for the audience and how well the presentation enlightens industry realities, rather than strict academic criteria.

Accepted submissions will be included in the ACM Digital Library as part of the MobileHCI 2016 Adjunct Proceedings. The authors will have the opportunity to present their work during the conference during a dedicated industry case studies session. Upon acceptance, you have to present your paper at the conference. At least one author of each paper must register by the early registration deadline.

Industry Case Study Chairs: