
Workshops allow members of the MobileHCI community to meet in a focused and interactive discussion format. Organizing a workshop is an opportunity to move the field forward and to build a community. MobileHCI workshops might address basic research, applied research, HCI practice, hackathons, design jams, new methodologies, emerging application areas, design innovations, management and organizational issues, and HCI education. MobileHCI workshops might also include industry wanting to engage the community with their latest MobileHCI products. Each workshop should generate ideas that give the MobileHCI community a new, organized way of thinking about the topic, or ideas that suggest promising directions for future research. Some workshops result in edited books or special issues of journals; you may consider including such a goal in the design of your workshop.
Workshops will be held on the first day of the conference, September 6th 2016. Workshops are full-day, scheduled to take 6 working hours, with a mid-morning break, a lunch break, and a mid-afternoon break. Workshops typically have 15 to 20 participants. Focused interaction among participants is important. Participants must have informed positions based on prior experience.

Important Dates:

Responsibilities of Workshop Organizers

At the workshop, the organizer is responsible for facilitating discussion, maintaining productive interaction, and encouraging participation. The emphasis should be on group discussion, rather than on presentation of individual papers. Diversity of perspectives should be encouraged.

We will provide the following A/V equipment: projector, screen, 1 flip chart, 1 set of pens, and adhesive for attaching flip chart pages to walls without leaving marks. Regarding wireless availability, network connectivity is available in the facility.

Workshop Participants

Workshop participants submit position papers to the workshop. These position papers are peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. All conference registrants may register for workshops, even those who do not have papers in them. The MobileHCI program committee suggests May 6, 2016 as a deadline for submission of position papers and June 9, 2016 as a deadline for notification of acceptance. Camera-ready versions of accepted workshop papers need to be provided to the workshop proceedings chair latest by July 1, 2016 .

Accepted workshop papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library as part of the MobileHCI 2016 Adjunct Proceedings.

More Information

If you have questions about Workshops for MobileHCI 2016, contact the Workshop Chairs at

Workshop Chairs: