UMIST (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology) is one of the
UK's leading research-oriented Universities.
The Department of Computation has four main research groups:
Interactive Systems Design , Requirements & Software Engineering
, Intelligent and Reactive Systems, and Decision & Data Engineering.
End User Development focuses on the intersection of issues researched in
the Software Engineering and Interactive Systems Design groups,
which develop theories, models, methods and tools to improve the process and
products of software development. The groups have an international reputation in both HCI and software
engineering research, with strong links with industry for commercial uptake of
academic research.
focuses upon understanding the process of communication in requirements, and
how these are mediated by language and modelling representations. Some of the achievements of the groups include:
multimedia user interface requirements research has developed design assistant tools
and specifying guidelines now incorporated into the forthcoming ISO 14915
part 3 standard for multimedia user interface design |
the e-Commerce Design group conducts research and business development
activities informing the e-commerce design process, including business
objects: enabling technologies; collaboration and e-commerce
components for flexible systems; and consumer behaviour. The group has
strong links to industry via the Centre for Expertise in Electronic
Commerce (www.ceec.org.uk). |
the EPSRC-funded Interdisciplinary Software Engineering Network
involves three UK Universities in the discovery of new software
development paradigms, including service-based software, informed by
inputs from disciplines as diverse as Management, Law and Engineering. This is a continuation of the BT-funded Distributed Centre of
Excellence in Software Engineering (DiCE), the work of which established a
vision for software of the future - how it will behave, be structured and
developed in the future. This vision includes core roles for end user development and
ultra-rapid software delivery. |